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What is the CBE Number, Preference Points, Tax ID#, D&B#, Cage Code for Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC?

CBE Number:             LSZ29776122021

See Certificate

Preference Categories:    LBE, SBE, DZE


Tax ID# 47-4284855   D&B# 07-993-7031

             Cage Code 7J1J1

What is a CBE?

A Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) is a business that is headquartered in the District of Columbia and has been certified by the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD). Businesses with CBE certification receive preferred procurement and contracting opportunities.

Is Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC a separate company from Shepherd Electric Supply?

Yes. Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC is a separate company that was founded in September 2015. See Shepherd Electric Supply was founded in 1892. See

Who do I make my Purchase Orders out to?

Purchase Orders should be issued to “Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC”.

My project requires CBE participation. Is Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC a CBE (Certified Business Enterprise)? And, how many preference points do purchases from Shepherd qualify for?

Yes. Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC is a registered CBE with the District Of Columbia’s Department of Small and Local Business Development. Purchases qualify for 4 preference points as we are certified as a LBE (Local Business Enterprise) and DZE (Development Zone Enterprise).

How do I purchase from Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC?

Talk to your sales representative for quoting. Be sure to mention that this project requires CBE participation and you want to place the order with Shepherd Electric Supply of DC LLC so the purchase qualifies for CBE points. Issue your RFQ and Purchase Order to Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC and setup a new vendor account in your system that is different from Shepherd Electric Supply.

Does Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC provide the necessary CBE compliance reporting that is required for me to report quarterly to the District DSLBD or my General Contractor?

Yes. Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC is setup to provide you with the necessary reporting for Vendor Verification Forms for CBE reporting. Make sure you inform your sales representative at the beginning of your project that your project requires CBE participation and that your Purchase Orders, Requests for Quotations, and Payments are all issued to Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC and that a separate Vendor Purchase account is setup in your system for Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC. All orders under the project account must reference the job name and be made out to Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC.

What is the CBE program and how can it help me grow my business?

By purchasing from Shepherd Electric Supply of Washington DC LLC, you can qualify for District-based opportunities that require CBE participation.

The Department of Small and Local Business Development supports the development, economic growth, and retention of District-based businesses, and promotes economic development throughout the District’s commercial districts. DSLBD is committed to developing a business environment that connects local companies to business opportunities. The Department serves as the District of Columbia’s small business services agency, and administers the city’s “CBE”, which provides District-based firms with advantages in doing business with the District Government, and expands the availability of business opportunities with District-sponsored development projects.

Taken from the CBE Program:

“District agencies are required to spend at least 50% of their expendable budgets with CBEs and District agency contracts in excess of $250,000 require a 35% SBE subcontracting utilization plan and monitoring throughout the life of the contract, unless granted a waiver. Developers that enter into CBE Agreements with the District on private projects are required to subcontract at least 35% of the project’s adjusted budget to CBEs.

D.C. Code §2-218.46 requires that all construction and non-construction contracts in excess of $250,000 subcontract 35% of the contract dollar volume with SBEs. Bids or proposals submitted by a prime contractor in response to a solicitation that fail to include a subcontracting plan should be deemed nonresponsive and rejected unless the contract is not subject to or has been granted a waiver from, subcontracting requirements. Once awarded, the prime contractor is required to submit quarterly reports to the Department which list expenditures with subcontractors.”

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